Friday 30 December 2011

Self Employment, is it for you?

  Many of us out there have often thought, what if I had my own business? I could be my own boss and never have to worry ever again about being late for work or commuting to a job I don't like. The dreams take on a life of their own. I was once like that myself working dead end jobs that barely covered the bills. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy some of the jobs I've held over the years but putting in all of that effort and work ethic for someone else never really made sense to me when I could be doing that for myself. The freedom that comes with self employment does come with a price though. Especially in this kind of industry.
  There are many times that you will feel obligated to take on jobs because there is no other work coming your way at a lesser rate than you would normally charge. That is fine except you set a dangerous precedent. All pricing to some extent is negotiable but remember that your customers are coming to you because you are a professional. You have the skills and the talent that many others don't have. That is worth something.
  Don't ever sell yourself short on what you are capable of. If you're not sure of how to do something there are lots of resources out there that can help you. When I first started out, my vinyl supplier ND Graphics down in Toronto was my best resource. I spoke with Zul on quite a number of occasions and he was always willing to give me any information I required. I still use them to this day because of their outstanding customer service and knowledge.
  Believe me when I say that for a while unless you're an absolute marketing genius or have the money up front to hire one, times will be tough when you start out. Some people will tell you that you should give up. Some people will tell you that if you aren't pulling in all kinds of money that it is all a pipe dream. I've heard all of this and more but I take it on as a personal challenge to be that much more successful. Associate yourself with people who are successful and with people who are supportive of whatever business venture you take on.
  There is a phrase that I like to say to people, "Your life is a story that you are writing day to day. It is up to you if you want the story to be a happy one or not."
  I don't fall into the same old traps that I used to any more. If something isn't working then I try to do something different. If you're wallowing at home because you don't have customers calling you, go out and look for them. Find a business that has an old sign or a sign that you know you could make better. Design it up and approach them. If they say no, then at least you've tried. In the least, you've honed some more of your designing skills and most likely caught the attention of the business owner and made them aware of their sign . Leave your business card and then go out and find another one. Put your mark in your area. Be proud. Let people know you exist and what you can offer them. Your success or lack thereof are a direct result of your actions. Write a great story for yourselves my friends and as always, stay creative.

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